I received the best compliment today which really sums me up.... "You always have a smile on your face!". That is me and is who I am. Basically, pretty easy going. You will also find that I am sweet

Tony_64: i like to smileand make new friends...
Etsiä: Nainen Ikä 50 että 70
Status: 75 Yksittäinen Suoraan Uros
Kiinnostus: Ystävyys
Etnisyys: aasialainen
Living: Asu lasten kanssa
Katseenvangitsija: katse
Korkeus: 6'6 tuumaa
Runko: Keskiverron yläpuolella
Hiukset/Silmät: Musta, Ruskea
Savu: Ei onnistu
Juoda: silloin tällöin
Liikunta 2 kertaa viikossa
Politiikka: Konservatiivinen
Koulutus: Kandidaatintutkinto
Uskonto: kristillinen
Tulo: Olen rikas, #$@*!
Ammatti: BSC
Offspring: Ei mitään
Persoonallisuus: seikkailunhaluinen
Maa: United States

I received the best compliment today which really sums me up.... "You always have a smile on your face!". That is me and is who I am. Basically, pretty easy going. You will also find that I am sweet and sensitive, caring, kind, helpful, energetic, funny, and compassionate by nature. I am also impatient and get cranky when confronted with stupidity!! Introspective and intense. I have an insatiable curiosity about people and places, I value my down time and love being at home and traveling to se new place, like fishing, but also enjoy getting out took

I Like Music