I enjoy spending my free time indulging in hours of deep introspection. I am greatly intrigued by the "self" and its lifelong development. When Im not analyzing myself, I am trying to figure you out.

Lnrue09: hello...
Etsiä: Uros Ikä 29 että 89
Status: 40 Yksittäinen Suoraan Nainen
Kiinnostus: Toimintakumppani
Etnisyys: aasialainen
Living: Elää yksin
Katseenvangitsija: Hiukset
Korkeus: 5'3 tuumaa
Runko: Keskiverto
Hiukset/Silmät: Musta, Musta
Savu: Ei onnistu
Juoda: Älä kosketa sitä
Liikunta 2 kertaa viikossa
Politiikka: Ei mitään
Koulutus: Tutkinto
Uskonto: kristillinen
Tulo: $15,001 - $25,000
Ammatti: Midwife
Offspring: Ei mitään
Persoonallisuus: epätyypillinen
Maa: Philippines

I enjoy spending my free time indulging in hours of deep introspection. I am greatly intrigued by the "self" and its lifelong development. When Im not analyzing myself, I am trying to figure you out. We are products of our environment and my diverse experiences have developed a truly unique personality which I embrace. I speak without subtlety or evasion and sometimes Im too sarcastic.Some people may dislike me upon first impression because Im hard to read. Once you learn, the effects become addictive. I live my life trying to be a good person and attempt to draw bold lines between right and wrong. I am far from being who I ultimately wish to become but I take strides forward daily.

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