Am a perfect gentle man and i need a woman to be in my life to be cared love and taken care of for the rest of my life am ready to go to any lenghth with her so far she is nice, shape or beauty does

Lovelydadusa: hello...
Etsiä: Nainen Ikä 37 että 90
Status: 60 Yksittäinen Suoraan Uros
Kiinnostus: Toimintakumppani
Etnisyys: Musta/Afrikkalainen
Living: Elää yksin
Katseenvangitsija: aseet
Korkeus: 5'9 tuumaa
Runko: Urheilullinen ja värikäs
Hiukset/Silmät: Musta, Musta
Savu: Ei onnistu
Juoda: Älä kosketa sitä
Liikunta 2 kertaa viikossa
Politiikka: Ei mitään
Koulutus: Kandidaatintutkinto
Uskonto: kristillinen
Tulo: Alle 15 000 dollaria
Ammatti: No Answer
Offspring: 1 lapsi
Persoonallisuus: seikkailunhaluinen
Maa: United States

Am a perfect gentle man and i need a woman to be in my life to be cared love and taken care of for the rest of my life am ready to go to any lenghth with her so far she is nice, shape or beauty does not matter just her character alone and her thinking so go on am waiting.. Im honest, sincere, loving, loyal, and a true romantic. I believe in treating people as i would like to be treated. With kindness and respect. I think men
and women are equal and should treat each other with mutual respect and understanding. i must tell you that im an easy going, honest, faithful and a one ladys man .who is seriously looking for a long term relationship and probably getting married i describe "LOVE" as the following.. "Love is like a river, never ending as it flows, but gets greater with time!" Love is a noble act of selfgiving, offering trust, faith, and
loyalty. The more you love, the more you lose a part of yourself, yet you dont become less of who you are; you end up being complete with your loved ones." "Love is when there are a million things you want to say
to someone, but when they look you in the eyes and hold you in their arms nothing in life matters other than being with that person at that moment." so sweetie ...if u are sure of what u want and u are in for something nice . and i must state that i do dislike liers and cheatersso if u are any of such pls leave...i am hoping and looking for a lady who is kind , honest and faithful someone who is not afraid to tell the truth at all times if ever if it hurts.. I am in search of a decent God loving lady that will have time for me.Age are just numbers and shapes are just sizes your heart determine whom you really are.I am not
searching for money it never determines love i am in search of a good woman who had really know all about life and who is ready to settle down with me.Who is ready to share what i have and whom is ready to understand and whom is loving caring honest God fearing and faithful..I will like to meet someone who is serious in relationship.

Dancing  Family Oriente  Responsible  Warm Hearted