Yksittäinen Male in Philippines, , Singles in Quezon, Quezon City Male

Ransomed: have you ever wondered isnt there more than
Etsiä: Nainen Ikä 21 että 34
Status: 46 Yksittäinen Suoraan Uros
Kiinnostus: muut
Etnisyys: aasialainen
Living: Elää yksin
Katseenvangitsija: katse
Korkeus: 5'7 tuumaa
Runko: luiseva
Hiukset/Silmät: Musta, Musta
Savu: Ei onnistu
Juoda: Älä kosketa sitä
Liikunta 4 kertaa viikossa
Politiikka: Ei mitään
Koulutus: Joku yliopisto
Uskonto: kristillinen
Tulo: Alle 15 000 dollaria
Ammatti: Inspire Show Whats
Offspring: Ei mitään
Persoonallisuus: seikkailunhaluinen
Maa: Philippines

it was the age of 14 when i had a sort of epiphany one morning when i woke up
"most peoples lives suck."

and since then, from time to time, i hear a faint but haunting voice whispering inside me that there has got to be more to life than this.

i could go on to give you more facts about myself, like where i was bornraisedlived manila, CA, BC, SK, or what i do for work livestyle artiste, social worker, life coach, NiNJa, etc, or even the eleven things i hatelove about you.

but i have a feeling that most of the other men on this site just gave you a list of facts about themselves in the hopes that you might see something you like.

i believe that the proof is in the pudding, but i will say this, i have a reckless passion and deep love for God and people and life, and the only way to live life is to LIVE it.

i have a dysfunctional who doesnt? but amazing family and the very best friends in the world, and the most extraordinary relationships anyone could ever have!

suit and tie, or tank top and flip flops, it is all good.

and i do not see the glass halffull nor halfempty,
for me, i see it overFLOWing.

i am a bit elusive, fun, vibrant, funnish, fun to be with, not afraid to put you in your place.

i am weird, strange, different, rare.
and i am not like anyone you have ever met before.

everyone i have ever met or spoken to oneonone in an authentic pace,
confirms that every single individual is "cool" in their own difference,
and i have yet to meet someone i did not genuinely relate with.

i am looking for a cool "friendship".
what i mean is someone to hang out with,
where you can just be yourself.
no pressure, no expectations.
just you for you and me for me.
and let us enjoy where things can go.

i do not like to label any type of relationship because you never know what happens.

and i totally believe that there is no need to hide or lie. that it is possible to talk to someone without any lies, with no sarcasms, no deceptions, no exaggerations or any of the things that people use to confuse the truth.

and, oh, i think the turnonturn0ff section of this site is blah.

if i were to write a personal ad, this is how it would read

if your boyfriend or date thinks that a 7course meal is a bucket of chicken and a six pack, or if he thinks that foreplay is a halfhour of begging and slipping off your shoes, or if your halloween pumpkin has more teeth than your last date, you need to kick them all to the curb.

i can debate world issues at a blacktie event or tell the funniest stories at a local joint.

you can talk to me about anything under the sun and discuss some things that are way over peoples paradigm.

you might find me volunteering in a childrens hospital or enjoying a conversation with a total stranger in any given location or simply swimming with wild dolphins in hidden coves.

although i do color outside the lines and do not follow the crowd, i still obey the speed limit rules and other laws.

and i am still an excellent balance of sophistication and professionalism, mixed with the right amount of mischeif, adventure, and humor and that is what keeps things exciting.

i am a very positive person, straightforward, openminded, and i am 98% of the time in a great mood.

i am fool for fun and laughter, and always ready for an adventure.

i try to find humor in almost everything and i never sweat the small stuff.

i have an unusual sense of humor and i am a randomly playful.

i overly love people and fascinated with all kinds of animals.

i like to entertain people and make other people laugh and have fun.

i specialize in bringing out the best in others and naturally inspire the circle of my influence to live the life that they were meant to live, to be the difference that makes the difference, and to release the star in them.

oh, by the way, that other guys profile you looked at he is a klutz, i saw him in Americas Most Wanted. ;p