I’ve been described as statuesque, average and stylish, unpretentious, easy to be around. I smile easily and often. I have a silly and fun sense of humor and love to laugh. At the same time, I am

Tickletricks: hello...
Etsiä: Nainen Ikä 45 että 90
Status: 61 Eronnut Suoraan Uros
Kiinnostus: Avioliitto
Etnisyys: Valkoinen
Living: Elää yksin
Katseenvangitsija: katse
Korkeus: 5'8 tuumaa
Runko: Keskiverto
Hiukset/Silmät: Ruskea, Ruskea
Savu: Ei onnistu
Juoda: Vain sosiaalisesti
Liikunta 2 kertaa viikossa
Politiikka: Ei mitään
Koulutus: No Answer
Uskonto: kristillinen
Tulo: $85,001 - $150,000
Ammatti: Engineer
Offspring: 1 lapsi
Persoonallisuus: Humoristinen
Maa: United States

I’ve been described as statuesque, average and stylish, unpretentious, easy to be around. I smile easily and often. I have a silly and fun sense of humor and love to laugh. At the same time, I am very comfortable being alone and enjoy quiet time. I’m known to be kind, thoughtful, a genuine friend, and I truly feel I have the gift of grace, allowing me to forgive easily. My life is Godcentered and I would love to find a woman who also has a strong faith to share. Foul language is a huge turnoff because it shows a lack of respect for me and others, and indicates a lack of selfdiscipline and character.
During a previous life while married, I enjoyed trail running, skiing, rock climbing, mountain climbing, long distance cycling, hiking, and canyoneering, to name a few, but now am quite happy with long walks or hiking with my very personable dog. I also enjoy cycling and my favorite time to sneak away for a bike ride is late afternoon or early evening, a special time of day when the sun is lower and the long shadows enhance colors and make everything more dramatic. Remembering an affinity for golf in college, I’d now love to seriously learn to play!

Camping  Exercising  Reading  Traveling  Walking