Yksittäinen Male in United States, , Singles in Michigan, Shelby Twp Male

Volaric: blond, blue eyes, athletic, mature...
Etsiä: Nainen Ikä 32 että 50
Status: 57 Eronnut Suoraan Uros
Kiinnostus: Avioliitto
Etnisyys: Valkoinen
Living: Elää yksin
Katseenvangitsija: katse
Korkeus: 6'3 tuumaa
Runko: Urheilullinen ja lihaksikas
Hiukset/Silmät: Vaalea, Sininen
Savu: Ei onnistu
Juoda: silloin tällöin
Liikunta 4 kertaa viikossa
Politiikka: Konservatiivinen
Koulutus: Tutkinto
Uskonto: kristillinen
Tulo: Alle 15 000 dollaria
Ammatti: CEO
Offspring: Lapset eivät ole kotona
Persoonallisuus: seikkailunhaluinen
Maa: United States

I live a healthy life style and very athletic. Played professional hockey from age 20 thru 24. Enjoy all sports especially tennis. College educated in a few subjects. I was involved in politics trying to make a difference in the world Nominee for United States Congress. I Love nature all animals. I enjoy going to sporting events, deep sea fishing, skiing, camping, museums, zoo, swimming, gym, outdoor get together with friends family. I actually like to cook and watch a movie at home just relax as well. Country music is my favorite genre of music. Sold my Health Insurance Agency in 2019. Retired from the healthcare industry. Very involved in the building industry, residential commercial. I do the bidding contracts on the projects payroll. I also buy houses do some upgrades sell them Flipping Houses. I don’t use profanity. I’m an adult with morals. I put family first always respect others. My heritage is Croatian Austrian.