Hi Im wynter But I go by Winnie I am 17 but will be 18 in august. Im 300 pounds but I dont care about looks. Im sweet funny I can be very sarcastic I can take anything and make it into a dirty joke bu

Winniethepooh: hello...
Etsiä: Nainen Ikä 18 että 24
Status: 25 Yksittäinen Biseksuaali Nainen
Kiinnostus: Pitkäaikainen suhde
Etnisyys: Valkoinen
Living: Eläköön vanhempien kanssa
Katseenvangitsija: rinta
Korkeus: 5'7 tuumaa
Runko: Suuri ja Incharge
Hiukset/Silmät: Ei vastausta, muut
Savu: Ei onnistu
Juoda: Ei vastausta
Liikunta 2 kertaa viikossa
Politiikka: Ei mitään
Koulutus: Lukio
Uskonto: kristillinen
Tulo: Alle 15 000 dollaria
Ammatti: Non Yet
Offspring: Ei mitään
Persoonallisuus: Amazing
Maa: United States

Hi Im wynter But I go by Winnie I am 17 but will be 18 in august. Im 300 pounds but I dont care about looks. Im sweet funny I can be very sarcastic I can take anything and make it into a dirty joke but if thats not your thing then I will respect that I graduated High school early I havent decided on a college yet but I want to go to culinary school. I come from divorced parents not the best child hood but I make it a rule to live my life differently then I was raised I will treat you everyday like your special because you are everyone is I have never been in a relationship or been on a date Its hard to meet someone when you have been homeschooled and live 30 minutes away from anything. I hope you will give me a chance because I beleive Im a great person and can make you happy.

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